Bravo AI
The goal for Bravo AI is to develop and redesign a website for and also integrate an AI chatbot to answer questions to serve as an accessible service for people that visit the website.
Bravo AI would implemented in the following ways:
Currently, the website is designed to only be mobile-friendly. However, it lacks some modern design elements such as layout, functional navigation menu design, and an accessible chatbot, to name a few.
The website itself will be redesigned to address the following layout issues:
Both mobile- and desktop-friendly
Navigation menu will be fixed to adjust to screen size accordingly
AI chatbot:
The chatbot will be pulling from a database of information that will answer questions people may have, as according to Diversecities’ mission and vision.
As the landscape in terms of immigration laws, mental health, and other issues changes overtime for migrants, especially in Calgary, AB, the chatbot will be able to adapt its answers to questions based on new information it recieves.