Preston Yuen

Before my grandma passed away, she always told me, “Go explore the world! Don’t stick around old people like me; we’re too high maintenance at this age." I went to Japan in 2013, which was when she passed away, sadly. I vowed to myself to never be filled with such guilt and regret again, hence why I have started my portfolio.

I’m a tech enthusiast, but also a videographer/photographer and yearn to travel. It would seem like none of these things are related, but it somehow personally clicked. Keeping up with tech helps me stay ahead of the curve and keeps my mind alert. I view the world “through the looking glass.” In other words, I bring a camera everywhere I go, regardless if it’s my phone or my full-blown dSLR setup.

From a young age, I always got bored; I never sat still. I was always looking for something to do. Both my parents worked in IT, so I was very exposed to working with my hands, especially in technology, in addition to being able to apply my knowledge. Naturally, I work in IT full time currently working towards using innovative tech in Artificial Intelligence and HoloLens 2 in addition to being a videographer and photographer in my spare time.