Alpha AI


The goal for Alpha AI is to develop an engine to assist officers, firefighters, paramedics, doctors/nurses, and other frontline workers serving the victim(s) on scene, at the hospital, and anywhere in-between. Alpha AI would be able to give a quick initial diagnosis of the victims’ conditions and what needs to be done to give them the best treatment for their current situation. Furthermore, while the victims are transported to the hospital, the engine will be able to assist the paramedics to treat victims, if needed. By the time the victims reach the hospital, the doctors/nurses will have already received all the necessary information in the system, so they are prepared ahead of time to provide for the victims’ needs without wasting valuable time in diagnosing their needs. Having access to this system for all parties involved will optimize the procedure in helping the victims and minimize the time needed, thus giving front line workers more time to complete their work with less panic and stress.

Alpha AI would include the following functionality:

  • The engine will have access to a database of information on treatment procedures and materials needed for emergency situations

  • It will recognize photo or video images of the victim and assist in identifying what the emergency is.

  • If image recognition is unavailable, text and audio recognition can also be used in identifying the emergency.

  • Image, text, and audio recognition can be fed into the engine/system via live feed hardware such as body cameras that are already available to officers and/or other personnel on scene.

  • Based on the available information, the engine will then take the input data (photo/video/text), process it, and provide an educated guess on the victim(s) needs.

  • The engine can then assist in guiding the officers, paramedics, and/or other personnel on scene on the recommended procedures that need to be performed on the victim, if/when needed.

  • Doctors and/or nurses can also use this information when the victims are transported to and arrive at the hospital to see what is already been done and the next steps they need to take.